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Hedgehog breeders in Florida, hedgehogs for sale
Hood Petz is a major
contributor to the NAHR


What can I name my hedgehog?

Each hedgehog name will contain a prefix, a chosen name, and a suffix.
The prefix will be either the member's herd name or one of the designates listed in the next section (What is a herd name?)
The chosen name is the name you give to your hedgehog; considering the criteria below.
The suffix will be the initials of the owner (or herd name if the owner is a member), followed by the number of STARS for that hedgehog.

Names must be tasteful.  Any name that is vulgar or offensive in any way will not be registered.
Names may not exceed 25 character spaces in total and may consist of letters of the English alphabet, numbers 0 – 9, apostrophes ('), hyphens (-), and spaces. No other characters will be permitted.
Hedgehogs born of the same litter may not be named identically; names must differ by no less than the suffix.