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Hedgehog breeders in Florida, hedgehogs for sale
Hood Petz is a major
contributor to the NAHR


Member Benefits

You'll receive discounts on all registrations.  See pricing chart.

You'll have the opportunity to be listed in the breeder directory at no charge.

You'll receive a 10% discount on advertising on this website

The $27.00 annual fee can be pro-rated so that you may choose your renewal month

Privacy - We take privacy seriously.  Once information is entered into this registry, it is considered private and confidential.  Inquiries about members or the lineage of their hedgehogs will not be addressed by the NAHR at any time for any reason.  Any/all inquiries and/or complaints should be directed to the member in question or the proper authority (i.e.. the United States Department of Agriculture, State Fish and Wildlife authorities, etc.).

Options - With this registry, members have the option to choose:
               - Which hedgehogs that they'd like to register from their herd
               - Which babies they'd like to register
               - Whether or not they offer Pedigree Privileges to each individual buyer
By choosing which buyers have access to the pedigree, members can restrict the use of their information, including their Herd Name.  If a member does not authorize pedigree privileges, the buyer will still be able to register the hedgehog as PR (first generation), but will not have access to any pedigree information and will not be permitted to list the member/breeder's herd name on the hedgehog or any future offspring.
Member ABCD sells a hedgehog to buyer WXYZ with no pedigree.
WXYZ then registers the hedgehog as PR Joseph WXYZ and breeds the hedgehog to another non-pedigreed hedgehog - PR Mary WXYZ.  The resulting offspring will have only the following lineage eligible to be listed:



PR Joseph WXYZ No Lineage Available
No Lineage Available
PR Mary WXYZ No Lineage Available
No Lineage Available
Policy - By becoming a member, you are agreeing to give true and accurate information to the NAHR.
             Any member found in violation of this agreement will be subject to the following:
            - First Offense - Six month suspension of registration eligibility of any kind; including Transfers of Ownership and Studding.
            - Second Offense - Termination of membership and removal of ads and directory listing.  No reimbursement will be given.

The NAHR accepts Registration Applications and issues Certificates based on the honor and integrity of the members, and the NAHR accepts no responsibility for any inaccurate or false information that was submitted on Registration Applications.
The NAHR reserves the right to refuse registration and/or terminate the membership of any person who is convicted of a crime of cruelty to animals.

To become a member, please complete the form below.  Upon submission, you will be redirected to a payment page.
Memberships will not be processed until payment has been received.

E-Mail Address:            

Are you 18 or older?      No             Yes

Gender:                       Female       Male

First and Last Name:     

Business Name (if none, please enter n/a):  

Your website URL (if none, please enter n/a):    

Are you USDA Licensed?:  Yes   No   If yes, what is your USDA license number?


Full Mailing Address:         

Desired Herd Name:      Click here to see currently used Herd Names.

Comments or questions: