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contributor to the NAHR

Throughout this website, the North American Hedgehog Registry is referred to as "The NAHR" and "This registry"

  The purpose of this registry

The NAHR was created to maintain accurate records for the breeding herds of breeders in North America; and to issue official Certificates of Ownership and Pedigree Certificates 

  Benefits of this registry

Accuracy and authenticity of pedigrees
All registrations receive an official Certificate of Ownership
Membership is not required for registrations with no lineage
Establish/increase breeding value
Privacy Protected
Easy and prompt registrations
Member discounts

  Helpful key features

Glossary of Terms - defines the terminology used by the NAHR.
Registration - gives information about registration procedures and directs you to the correct form.
Membership - details how to become a member and explains the member benefits.
Color Source - gives information about hedgehog identification (variety, colors and patterns).
Member Directory - provides details and contact information about our members.
Advertising - Information and details about advertising on this site.

Pedigrees will include as much eligible detailed information as is submitted by the member and verified by the NAHR.

The NAHR accepts Registration Applications and issues Certificates based on the honor and integrity of the members, and the NAHR accepts no responsibility for any inaccurate or false information that was submitted on Registration Applications.